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Executive orders

The Danish Working Environment Act is on a current basis supplemented by Executive Orders, which contain more detailed regulation. Executive Orders are rules of law which are legally binding on the enterprises and which usually contain rules on penal sanctions.

Acts and regulations in English are unofficial translations and meant purely as a guidance tool. Arbejdstilsynet, The Danish Working Environment Authority does not assume any liability for their contents in English. Only acts and regulations in Danish are official version and in force. In case of discrepancy, the original Danish text shall prevail.

Please note that the below-mentioned rules may be outdated. We refer to retsinformation.dk where you can find the rules in force, but only in Danish.


Executive Orders pursuant to the Danish Working Environment Act

Alteration and Major Repair of Lifts etc. - 1997 - 9 December 2020 (only in Danish)

Application of technical equipment - 428 - 5 April 2022

Building and Construction - 2107 - 24 November 2021

Conditions at Alternating Places of Work - 290 - 5 May 1993

Conditions at Permanent Places of Work - 835 - 16 Juni 2023

Danish Product Registry - 103 - 9 February 2018

Design of Technical Equipment - 429 - 5 April 2022

Determination of Code Numbers - as subsequently amended - 301 - 13 May 1993

Duties of Project Supervisors and Consultants etc. - 110 - 5 February 2013

Duties of the Client - 117 - 5 February 2013

Genetic Engineering and Working Environment - 910 - 11 September 2008

Lay-out of Trailers and similar entities - 775 - 17 September 1992

Measures to Protect Workers from the Risks related to Exposure to Carcinogenic Substances and Materials at Work - 1795 - 18 December 2015 (only in Danish)

Performance of Work - 1234 - 29 October 2018 (only in Danish)

Psychosocial working environment - 1406 - 26 September 2020

Recognition of professional qualifications acquired abroad - 151- 26 February 2016

Special Duties of Manufacturers, Suppliers and Importers, etc., of Substances and Materials pursuant to the Danish Working Environment Act - 1794 - 18 December 2015 (only in Danish)

Systematic occupational health and safety work - 65 - 22 January 2024

Working with Substances and Materials (chemical agents) - 381 - 12 April 2023 (only in Danish)

Executive Orders pursuant to the Offshore Safety Act 

The Executive Orders of the Offshore Safety Act can be found at offshore.at.dk

Last revised: 28th of October 2020

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