Last revised: 28th of October 2020
Branches of industry covered by section 61(1)
Annex 1 to the Executive Order No. 96 on the Conditions at Permanent Places of Work
(Branches of industry in which the work process is not decisive to the design or fitting out of the building)
Offices and similar, including:
- Law offices
- Property management
- Drawing offices
- Wholesale enterprises
Retail trade, including:
- Banks
- Shops
- Department stores
Day-care centres and schools
Residential institutions, including:
- Prisons
- Boarding schools
- Boarding houses
- 24/hour care centres
- Old people's homes
Inns, etc., including:
- Hotels
- Folk high schools
Community centres, including:
- Village halls
- Cinemas
- Sports centres
- Concert halls
- Museums
- Restaurants
- Exhibition centres
- Churches
- Theatres
- Generic buildings (i.e. buildings for which the application was not laid down at the time of construction)
- Warehouse buildings
- Public baths
- Agricultural farm buildings
- Horticultural buildings (greenhouses, etc.)