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General prevention principles - 117

Annex 2 to the Danish Working Environment Authority’s Executive Order no. 117 on the duties of the client

1. General principles of prevention, cf. article 6, part 2 of Council Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work.

  1. Prevention of risks.
  2. Evaluation of risks that cannot be prevented.
  3. Combating risks at source.
  4. Adapting work to the worker, particularly with regard to workplace layout and choice of equipment, working and production methods, especially with regard to limiting monotonous work and work in a constant rhythm and to reduce the effects of such work on health.
  5. Regard to technical developments.
  6. Replacement of anything hazardous with something that is non- or less hazardous.
  7. Planning prevention to make it a cohesive part of the whole, within which prevention covers techniques, organising work, working conditions, social relationships and the effects of factors in the working environment.
  8. The adoption of measures for collective protection rather than for individual protection.
  9. Appropriate instruction of workers.


2. General principles of prevention to be observed by employers, cf. article 6, part 6 of Council Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work when performing building and construction work.

  1. Maintaining order and satisfactory hygienic conditions on the site.
  2. Choice of location of workplaces, taking into account access to them and access routes or areas on the site.
  3. Guidelines for dealing with different building materials.
  4. Maintenance, inspection before use and regular inspection of installations and devices, with regard to eliminating defects that can affect the health and safety or workers. 
  5. Demarcation and organisation of areas for storage of materials, especially hazardous substances or products.
  6. Guidelines for the removal of hazardous waste substances.
  7. Storage and removal or disposal of refuse and rubble.
  8. Adaptation of the actual time to be used on the various types of work or phases as work on the site progresses.
  9. Collaboration between employers and self-employed contractors.
  10. Coordination of activities in progress at or near the place where the site is located.

Last revised: 28th of October 2020

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