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Substances not subject to notification

Annex 2 to Executive Order No. 1794 of 18 December 2015 on Special Duties of Manufacturers, Suppliers and Importers, etc. of Substances and Materials pursuant to the Danish Working Environment Act with subsequent amendments issued by the Danish Working Environment Authority - unofficial version.

Substances which have to be registered at the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) according to the REACH regulation article 6, 1.

The following materials are not subject to notification

Materials in liquid form that are covered by section 1(2), point 3, owing to their content of

  1. titanium dioxide CAS No. 13463-67-7,
  2. iron oxide CAS No. 13463-40-6,
  3. kaolin, respirable CAS No. 1332-58-7,
  4. silica Si02, amorphous CAS No. 1343-98-2, or
  5. silica Si02, amorphous CAS No. 1343-98-2

Last revised: 28th of October 2020

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