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General prevention principles

Annex 1 to the Danish Working Environment Authority’s Executive Order no. 65 on systematic occupational health and safety work

  1. Prevention of risks.
  2. Evaluation of risks that cannot be prevented.
  3. Mitigating risks at the source.
  4. Adapting the work to humans, in particular as regards workplace design and the selection of work equipment and work and production methods, especially with a view to reducing monotonous and repetitive work and the effects of such work on health.
  5. Taking into account technical developments.
  6. Replacing what is hazardous with something that is safe or less hazardous.
  7. Planning preventive measures to make them a coherent whole within which preventive measures includes techniques, work organisation, working conditions, social relations and the impacts of factors in the work environment.
  8. Adopting collective protection measures rather than individual protection measures.
  9. Appropriate instruction of workers.

Last revised: 19th of July 2024

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