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What is WEA Guidelines?

WEA Guidelines are issued by Arbejdstilsynet, the Danish Working Environment Authority (WEA) to provide guidance on the interpretation of the regulations laid down in Danish occupational health and safety legislation.

They are used:

  • to elaborate and explain words and expressions in the regulations (Act and Executive Orders).
  • to explain how the requirements can be met according to Arbejdstilsynet's practice.
  • to provide information on Arbejdstilsynet's practice generally, drawing on decisions and judgments, etc.
  • to explain the scope and interrelation, etc. of occupational health and safety regulations.

Numbers in parentheses refer to the list of relevant publications on the back cover of the Guidelines.

Are WEA Guidelines legally binding?

Arbejdstilsynet's Guidelines are not binding upon enterprises, safety organisations or other bodies, but they are based on regulations (Acts and Executive Orders) that are binding. Arbejdstilsynet will take no further action in situations where a company, for example, has acted in accordance with the relevant WEA Guidelines.

Enterprises may choose to adopt other procedures, but Arbejdstilsynet will then assess whether the procedures used are equally good and whether they accord with the regulations.

When WEA Guidelines quote a binding requirement concerning methods, etc. from the Act or an Executive Order, those methods are mandatory. It will always be made clear in the  Guidelines when a binding requirement is being quoted.

Where can information on Arbejdstilsynet's Guidelines be obtained?

A topic may be treated in more than one WEA Guideline. Therefore it is a good idea to explore Arbejdstilsynet's website.

There will be a transitional period during which certain “old” publications (WEA/WES Information Notices and Instructions/Guidelines - At-meddelelser and At-anvisninger) which, like WEA Guidelines, describe how to comply with occupational health and safety legislation, will still be applicable. In time, these older publications will all be replaced by WEA Guidelines (AT-vejledninger).

Information about this can also be found on Arbejdstilsynet's website.

Last revised: 29th of October 2020

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