Last revised: 12th of January 2023
Professional qualifications acquired in an EU/EEA country - temporary work
Some professions and roles need to be recognised by the Danish authorities, whilst in other areas it is up to the employer to ensure that the employee is in possession of the necessary qualifications.
Professional qualifications can include courses of education or training, certificates or work experience.
Work areas which require the recognition of qualifications by the Danish Working Environment Authority:
- Work which involves the inspection, maintenance and repair of lifts, etc.
- Forklift operators
- Boiler operators
- Crane operators (mobile cranes, tower cranes and truck-mounted cranes over 30 tonne-metres only)
- Refrigeration engineers
- Scaffolding erectors (not rolling or trestle scaffolding)
- Telescopic loader operators
- Work involving the interior and exterior demolition of asbestos
- Welding in compliance with the Executive Order on Measures to Prevent Cancer Risks (Kræftbekendtgørelsen).
The company may not employ or engage persons for the work above unless they have undertaken the relevant Danish training or education programme or otherwise attained evidence of formal qualifications, a certificate or a letter of recognition from the Danish Working Environment Authority.
Work areas where it is up to the employer to ensure documentation of the necessary training and education
- Work with asphalt materials
- Work with epoxy and isocyanate
- Work with styrene
- Work with natural gas installations
- Work as a crane operator (except mobile cranes, tower cranes and truck-mounted cranes over 30 tonne-metres)
- Work involving the erection of scaffolding (trestle and rolling scaffolding only)
- Stacker operators
- Work as a coordinator for safety and health procedures at the construction and installation site.
The documentation confirming the person’s experience and training or education must meet the following criteria:
- The person must have completed a foreign course of training or education if the profession in question is regulated in the person’s country of origin. Otherwise, the person must have practised their profession for at least one year in the last ten years.
- The employer must ensure that the person is in possession of the necessary qualifications in the form of a diploma/certificate or professional experience and they must secure documentation which demonstrates this.
Information in other languages
You can read more about the recognition of foreign qualifications at in English, German, Polish and Danish.