Last revised: 12th of January 2023
Inform the Authority of the lack of notifying RUT
Assignors who hire a foreign company must check documentation verifying that the company has notified the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT). Otherwise, they have a duty to inform the Danish Working Environment Authority.
Private individuals and companies (assignors) who conclude an agreement with a foreign company must check documentation, which verifies that the company has notified the Register for Foreign Service Providers (RUT). This is required whenever foreign tradespeople or subcontractors are to perform work within building and construction, agriculture, forestry, horticulture, gardening or cleaning. Acceptable documentation might be the company’s confirmation receipt that they have registered with RUT, for example.
The assignor must inform the Danish Working Environment Authority if they are not shown such documentation by no later than three days from when the work has been commenced. The assignor may be fined in the event that they fail to inform the Authority in such cases.
Inform the Authority of the lack of notifying RUT – form in Danish
Assignors are able to check whether a company has notified RUT:
Search for service provision in RUT - in Danish
Who is the assignor?
An assignor is a company or a private individual who concludes an agreement with a foreign company on the performance of one or several work tasks.
If a foreign company uses foreign subcontractors, then the foreign company is the assignor in relation to the subcontractors they engage.
Help your subcontractor or tradesperson ensure a safe and secure working environment
Foreign companies and employees can read about their rights and obligations in Denmark at There they can access information on working conditions and what they need to do to comply with Danish health and safety regulations within areas such as building and construction, etc.
The website is available in English, German and Polish. Information on registering with RUT has also been translated into Lithuanian, Romanian, Russian, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.