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Here you can find explanations of some of the most common terms used in connection with Probas and the Product Register.

Limit value

The limit value states a value for the average concentration of the substance over an eight-hour working day, but also includes short-term values and ceiling values.

The ceiling value indicates that the limit value must not be exceeded at any time.

WEA Guidelines on Limit Values for Substances and Materials (in Danish)


Mixture of two or more substances, including biological materials.


Probas is an electronic system for notification of substances and materials (products) to the WEA Product Register.


Can be a substance or a material that is stored in its own packaging and has its own trade name and its own manufacturer/supplier/importer.

Product registration number (PR no.)

The number assigned to a product that has been registered in the Product Register.


You can notify products that are similar under the same product registration number in a framework notification. Specific criteria determine when products can be registered under the same product registration number and constitute a framework. The products must:

  • belong to a coherent group, a product range, for example different shades in a range of colours;
  • have the same use and function;
  • be chemically similar, in other words they may only differ
    • by having few alternative constituents, such as pigments, and/or
    • by variations in the concentration of the various ingredients, and/or
    • by variation in their physical properties;
  • have the same hazard labelling;
  • have the same code number if a code number has been assigned;
  • have the same chemical/toxicological properties.


REACH is the new EU regulation on chemicals and replaces more than 40 previous EU directives and regulations with a single system. REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals. It is a highly extensive and complex regulation assigning duties in respect of the management of chemicals through the production chains, i.e. for both manufacturers of substances and users of substances and chemicals. REACH fundamentally applies to individual substances.

Read more about REACH - Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation

Specific products

Individual products covered by a framework, for example different shades in a range of colours.


SPIN is a database containing non-confidential information about chemical substances from the Product Registers of each of the Nordic countries. SPIN stands for Substances in Products in the Nordic Countries. The information includes the number of products and quantities broken down by industry and product type.

SPIN was established by the Nordic Chemicals Group set up under the Nordic Council of Ministers and is updated once a year. The Nordic Product Registers cooperate closely with each other, but do not exchange notified information.

SPIN - Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries (spin.net)


Elements and their compounds.

Last revised: 29th of October 2020

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